Day 3

December 19, 2018

Wow! What a day its been. Yay for getting a post published before 9pm, mainly because I am so incredibly exhausted I may be going to bed right as the kids go to bed (Shout out to my mom for watching the big kids so I can type.)  Today was our big move day to my parents house. My Mother In law took Hannah to preschool so that I could finish laundry and pack. What a HUGE blessing that was because preschool drop off takes forever especially with two rowdy boys in tow. So while Hannah was in preschool I was running around like a mad woman. Making my list checking them twice (haha) and packing. To be quite honest I’m not 100% sure what I packed for myself because I was just throwing stuff in a bag. I was nervous for traffic so my plan was to leave as soon as Hannah got home from school.

Other then packing our morning was pretty okay. I got the car packed. One thing to know about me I don’t know how to pack light. Everything has its own bag (electronics in one bag, shoes in one bag, clothes in one bag, food in one bag, etc) so I end up with many  many bags. Somehow I got it all to fit. Oh and remember how I went to the gym last night…yea packing, and lifting what I packed hurt! But, of course that really good hurt that your muscles are sore because you worked them haha Shout out to the Zim Gym!

(picture of me, obviously haha, after talking to Kyle on the phone  and hearing that I would see his face later in the day, Genuinely happy smile )

Once Hannah got home from preschool ( which again super thankful for my amazing in laws who brought her home so I had time to finish everything) I ran through my list of things to do before I leave the house, turn off the water, cable, shut the windows etc.  Got the kids loaded over the mountain of stuff, and the dog, don’t worry he came with us. We went to grab some fast food since it was close to lunch time and got on the road. Not even 2 minutes into our trip the kids start fighting. I mean technically we didn’t leave our town. I thought how in the world am I going to travel to Jersey with these kids fighting in the back the whole time. I should add the dog was whining as well.  eventually the kids stopped ( at mile marker 207 on the turnpike, fun fact we get on the turnpike at 286.) And yes I did look at what the mile marker was. Saul fell asleep, again with his hand holding his food, poor kid it didn’t quite make it to his mouth. Simeon fell asleep as the person on the radio talked about Simeon in the Bible. As for Hannah, she told me all the reasons she was planning on NOT falling asleep. The number one reason, because she has special eyes and can see things far away so she cant sleep, like she can see the green bridge (the walt Whitman bridge) from the turnpike. Um okay? I seriously love my kids, never a dull moment with them.

Eventually, we did make it to my moms and got our things into the house. The kids flipped out because we all have new bedrooms at my parents house since they are now empty nesters. The kids have posters in their room which they think is the coolest thing ever, and I have a nice quiet room shared with a baby who is currently snoring while I type this.

After we got settled at my moms house I was able to see the best sight ever…..My Husband! Where he is has wifi (they didn’t have that the last time he went) so we both downloaded some app to text on and we can facetime/skype/video call I guess you would say. And oh my goodness after a long day I needed to see his face and hear his voice. It was amazing!! Gosh I love that man so much.

Of course being at my parents house doesn’t mean everything is rainbows and unicorns. Saul is extremely fascinated with my Dad’s collection of nutcrackers. I think because most of the nutcrackers are as tall as he is. I guess he was trying to make friends with one and wanted to see if his beard was real. Yea, it wasn’t. But have no fear Saul “fixed it” and was so proud he fixed it, and by fixing it I mean shoved the beard in the nutcrackers mouth. Sorry Dad!

I’m not sure if this happens to anyone else but I feel like mentally and emotionally exhausted. I’ve been going, going, going, since Kyle left and now I feel like I can finally “rest” so to say. I don’t know its weird, but I’m having a hard time keeping my eyes open and its barely 630 at night. Tomorrow starts our first official full day in Jersey. I don’t think there is anything planned really just lazy day around the house. But a day that mommy needs!

Until Next Time,

and yes I know I need to take more pictures, Its been a long day and my DSLR batteries are fully charged so be ready world!

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