Days 8,9 &10

Dear Blog,

Bear with me as I have a ton of catching up to do. I meant to write Christmas night but I went to bed at 6 and quite frankly last night I forgot. So Let’s play Catch up shall we

December 24,2018

Christmas Eve my favorite day of the year! The kids and I had a pretty low key day. I cleaned since my mom was at work and debated on which service we were going to go. I decided to take the kids to the kid service at 4 since I’ve heard such wonderful things about. I’m so happy I did! Hannah got to play Mary in the Nativity and Rambunctious Saul played a Camel. When he was in costume he did really well (I mean other then beheading a few of the animals.) After we came home from church where Hannah realized there were PJs on everyone’s bed. She was so excited and ran from room to room to check everything out. We had our quiche dinner and then dad and I went to the candlelight service at church. It was Beautiful! After we came home, Kris Kinder came (aka my dad in a red robe) and told the Christmas story then off to bed!

December 25,2018

Can you believe that my kids actually slept in past 630am! Of course they did get up at 7 instead but simeon didn’t get that sleepin memo. The kids opened their presents and of course fought over some presents. Got figure right. We did get to FaceTime Kyle which was so incredibly nice!  Christmas was a pretty chill hang out in your pjs day which of course is my favorite!


December 26, 2018

Mom and Dad had to work all day so it was me and the kids on our own. Honestly, raising kids in someone else’s house is hard! There’s not much routine and you feel out of sorts. Thankfully they had plenty of new toys to keep occupied. We played princess, we ran from a dragon and played with play doh. The day actually went fast! Before I knew it’s my mom was home on lunch break and I got to run to the gym real fast. It was nice and I’m sore! After dinner we went to my parents house to check out some trains. The kids absolutely loved it! Saul was mesmerized. Soon after we got home the kids went to bed.

Quick synopsis of the past few days! Hope everyone had a great Christmas Eve and  Christmas!

Until Next Time,

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