Happy Birthday?

So this past Monday was my birthday. Yay for 27 years on earth! All day I received various messages of well happy birthdayness (i know it’s not a real word) Anyway I started thinking what did I do to receive all these lovely greetings. Um nothing I just entered the world when my mom told me to lol. I didn’t do any of the work. But do you know who did. My beautiful mother. She is the one whom carried me for nine months. She’s the one who protected, sheltered, and fed me for those months. She’s the one who endured the beauty (yet painful at times) of all of my wiggles and kicks. She was the one who had to change her wardrobe in order to accommodate “my home,” and the fact she could no longer fit in a church pew. Than ultimately had major surgery to bring me into the world. What did I do during all of that…? Absolutely nothing lol so why are people wishing me the happy birthday and not my mom.

 I get that there is a general mothers day but I think that moms should be celebrated on the days they give birth too. Maybe since I’m a mom now and know just how beautiful and hard pregnancy is, and when hannahs birthday comes around I remember everything leading up to her delivery. Who knows. But I just want to say (even though I was her third child) Happy belated Motherhood (not birthday) day to my amazing mom who sacrificed so much so I could be here today! I love you mom!

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